Merritt Island

Lodge No. 353

Free & Accepted Masons



Welcome Brothers!

Welcome to the home page of Merritt Island Lodge No. 353, Free and Accepted Masons (F&AM) of Florida. The Lodge temple is located on South Tropical Trail, just south east of the Hubert Humphrey Bridge (Rt 520) on beautiful Merritt Island Florida, in the center of the Thundering 17th Masonic District.

Merritt Island Lodge, chartered in 1966, has a rich tradition of giving and fellowship. We support numerous organizations such as the Children’s Hunger Project, St Francis Reflections Lifestage Care, Azan Shrine Center, the Shrine clubs, and the American Veterans. We are one of the most active and diverse lodges in the District, with Brothers as young as 18 and as old as — well, 101 years young. We all have something to offer each other and to the Masonic fraternity. We embrace our neighborhood communities with local charity support, and the Florida Masonic Child ID Program. It is our honor and privilege to be a part of building strong community allegiance.

Whether you are a brother of the lodge, a brother of another lodge, a fellow traveler or interested in what Freemasonry may offer, we invite you visit with us. Come to any stated meeting or business night (see schedules below) and enjoy Merritt Island’s hospitality and the company of the brethren.  I extend our hospitality to all!

Follow us on Facebook for our calendar, special notices, events and other lodge information!

With Fraternal Friendship, Brotherly Love and Harmony,


Worshipful Master
Merritt Island Lodge No. 353
Free and Accepted Masons Of Florida


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Important Notices & Events

Stated Meetings: 1st & 3rd Mondays, 7:30pm
Ritual Practice, reception of petitions and general lodge business: 1st, 2nd & 3rd Thursdays, 7pm
Masonic Education: Thursdays at 7pm


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